Lessons are offered in the fall and spring semesters, and during the summer if desired.

All lessons must be paid for at the first lesson of the month at a rate of $25 per half hour lesson.  Lessons will be paid for once a month, at the beginning of the month and tuition is based on the number of lessons scheduled. Typically, there will be 4 lessons per month, with the exception of holidays that fall on lesson days.   I will send out an invoice each month for including the number of lessons in the month, amount of payment due and date of payment.

Lessons are offered in person, or online, depending on the student's preference.  

Payments may be made directly through the invoice online.  A  5% fee will be added to cover the fee for online payment.  Checks are also accepted.  To avoid fees, you may pay through Venmo, Zelle, or CashApp.  Please see the invoice for information on using those payment methods.  

The monthly payment will be reduced, and calendar adjusted if notice of planned vacations is given by the first of the month or the beginning of the semester, as applicable. If you are sick or cancel at the last minute, payments are not adjusted.

Cancellations and Make up lessons: 

If you must cancel a lesson please don’t do it at the last minute if at all possible. (But I understand emergencies do happen)  If you need to cancel, please do so at least 24 hours prior to the lesson. Each semester a make up week will be offered, so the student has a chance to make up missed lessons that were previously paid. I will also offer make up times as they come available throughout the semester. If more than one lesson is missed, additional make ups will be considered on a case- by- case basis, depending on the circumstances. I will not commit to a make up lesson if the student still has not paid for the month.

If lessons are terminated before the end of the month, payment will not be reimbursed.

Students must attend lessons once a week. I will not accept students who cannot commit to a once per week lesson at their scheduled time.  Frequent cancellations or no shows will result in the student losing his or her lesson slot.  

I will only cancel a lesson if I am sick, or because of an unavoidable family situation or emergency. If this happens, I will do my best to schedule a make up at the student’s convenience. If that is not possible, you will be credited for the missed lesson the following month.